Thursday, August 7, 2008

After much resistance--Why blog?

Heavy Sigh! Why the heck have I decided to succumb to posting the happenings of my household? I figure this--that this will lessen the amount of people from calling our home and asking mind numbing questions such as,"What's Up?" and the ever popular "What are you guys doing tonight?" Now, I will simply answer the phone with this simple phrase, "Check the blog"and hang up!....Wait, Wait! Before you comment (that is disabled by the way--*evil laugh* HA, HA!).....Let's hash this out. Picture rings. everyone in the house is yelling, "You get it!" ...and "I'm busy--you get it"... and "It's not for me" continues to ring and ring--no one answers. Machine comes on with a simple message, "Check the blog" period. Brilliant! I think this would be a refreshing adventure for any telemarketers wanting a break from harassing people. They can log on the blog (I'm getting the lingo down already!) and view a picture of our family, and decide the answer to their burning question--"Do these people look like they need a water softener?" :)

I hope that our blog will be a source for wayward souls, namely liberals. Peace

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