Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ARTSY FARTSY~Proof that some art--is basically crap. Yeah, I said it.

You know when your bored..you surf the net. I wondered what was out there under my name. So I checked. Lo, and behold! My artwork was on display apparently at the International House of Blues site. http://heritagealliance.ucf.eduihobfworkshop.html# Yeah, I know it should be at the International House of Pancakes, but..eh! Anywho, my point is --I was attending this workshop to get more "professional development" points. (We have to do these things to keep our certification...I guess it makes someone in the legislature "feel better")..well I was at this workshop..one of those "art can be anything" type deals. They asked us to take things they had found thrown out and "recycle them" by making useful art.. (You just KNOW how much I enjoyed that!) I purposely threw some junk down and used hideous colors--not trying at all..and the next thing you know I was asked to sign a "release"...because the piece (this is what they called it--actually, I called it a piece as well..) was being showcased online! Notice my comments are choppy and nonsensical..All I know is when I brought that thing home...Todd and the kids could not stop laughing....