Well...Let's just say Vanessa does not waste any time...with getting on the dating scene...maybe I should say the boys don't waste anytime! As the kiddo approached the house waiting for Vanessa to finish getting ready...Todd gave him the once over. Todd also decided to suspend his 55 questions for this particular boy. He also resisted brandishing the rifle!! Vanessa was nice enough to allow pictures to be taken as she left for her first date. Brett was upset because he could not go with his "Yessa." and planted himself in the photo with his classic goofy face. Notice the blue lips...from pre-k Valentine's party earlier..Anywho.. Taylor, a dashing young Mormon boy from a good family, escorted her to the "Loop" where they watched the movie, "Taken"...they came back to our house afterward to talk with the "boys" (Todd, Adrien, Brett) before heading back to Taylor's house where the Beehives were watching "Mamma Mia" They then to a golf cart ride around the neighborhood annoying the HOA's President! Notice the last picture of them driving off...I felt tears well in my eyes knowing that I have raised such a good young woman, and that she is surely on her way to adulthood. I also reflected on how fast she grew up. Really! I am amazed at her kindness and love for others! I am also grateful for a good husband that helped me raise her. His love for her is just as great as mine, and they have a special bond.
***Disclaimer*** Vanessa wants it noted that Taylor and her are best friends only...
They grow up fast, don't they?
That's my girl! I'm so glad she didn't waste any time getting that first date.
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